
Friday, 23 September 2016

Mario Bellusi - 'Modern Traffic in Acient Rome' - 1930

 “The dynamic form, for its changeable and evolving essence, is a sort of invisible nimbus between an object and an action, between relative motion and absolute motion, between the visible and the invisible, between the object and its own indivisible setting. It is a kind of analogical synthesis dwelling on the borders between the real object and its plastic-ideal power and can only be grased by flashes of intuition.” -  Pittura scultura futuriste by Boccioni 1912/1913
Mario Bellusi

Mario Bellusi, Modern Traffic in Acient Rome’ (Traffico moderno nell’antica Roma), 1930. Photomontage, gelatine silver print, 15 x 20 cm. Collection: Rovereto, MART, Archivio del ’900, Fondo Mino Somenzi.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

A Man Ray Version of Man Ray, 1960

“Accordingly the artist’s work is to be measured by the vitality, the invention, and the definiteness
 and conviction of purpose within its own medium.” – Man Ray, ‘Statement’, NY 1916
Man ray
Photo ‘A Man Ray Version of Man Ray, 1960’ – Collection Imogen Cunningham Trust

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Marcel Duchamp's 'Bicycle Wheel' - 1913

“The Dada movement is not the voluntary work of individuals, it is the fatal product
of a state of affairs.” – Alabert Gleizes ‘The Dada Case’, Paris 1920

Photo: ‘Bicycle Wheel’ (1951), metal wheel mounted on painted wood stool, is the first of Duchamp’s ‘readymades’ – size: 129.5 x 63.5 x 41.9 cm - The original version of 1913 and the version of 1916-17 in NY were lost.