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Friday, 28 August 2020
Jenny Holzer – ‘Survival series’ -1983/85
‘I am happy when my material is mixed with advertisements or pronoucements of some sort of another’ ‘Protect me from what I want’ by Jenny...
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
Joseph Beuys - Manresa - 1966
In 1966, Beuys and his friend Per Kirkeby made an 'imaginary' journey with their wives to the village of Manresa in the Pyrenees. ...
Wednesday, 16 October 2019
Mark Rothko 'Red on Maroon' - colour field painting 1959
‘Rothko’s art takes place on the unlocatable – yet somehowe concretized – threshold between being and presence .’ - Arts of Impoverishmen...
Sunday, 5 May 2019
Man Ray - 'Indestructible Object (or Object to Be Destroyed)' 1923/1964
"I say that one must be a seer , one must make oneself a seer ," wrote Arthur Rimbaud in 1871, and then he described how to b...
Thursday, 21 March 2019
Georges Braque - 'Composition with ace of clubs' - 1913
Georges Braque’s principle: ‘the senses deform, but the mind forms.’ - ‘The School of Paris’ by Bernard Dorival, 1962 ‘Composition...
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