
Thursday, 24 November 2016

Jackson Pollock 'Convergence' - 1952

“To understand art depends upon the ability of the individual to perceive essentials, to perceive that which is called universally significant, and to evaluate the unity and relationship that is contained in any work.” – American Abstract Artist, Editorial Statement, 1938

Jackson Pollock Convergence 1952

Jackson Pollock, American, 1912-1956, Convergence, 1952, Oil on canvas, 93-1/2 x 155", Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo, N.Y., Gift of Seymour H. Knox Jr., 1956, © 2008 The Pollock-Krasner Foundation / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

"Abstract art has found the unexpected confirmation in atomic physics. All the material is dissolved in forces." - Dr. K. Farner, 1964 'Uprising in abstract art'

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Pablo Picasso 'Violin' - 1915

“Life without creative effort is unthinkable, and the whole course of human culture is one continuous effort of creative will of Man.” – quote Naum Gabo in ‘The constructive Idea’, London 1937

Pablo picasso Violin 1915

Photo: Pablo picasso’s  ‘Violin’ Paris 1915 – expo ‘Picasso Sculptures’ in Palais des Beaux-Art 2016, Brussels
Technique: cut, folded and painted metal and iron wire - Collection: Musée national Picasso-Paris

Friday, 18 November 2016

Barbara Hepworth "Spring" - 1966

Barbara Hepworth, Spring, 1966

" Just like an oyster, the artist needs a hard core around which the pearl can form itself."

– ‘Eternal beauty’ from E.H. Gombrich, 1951- Utrecht


Collection: The Hayward Gallery in London and at Longside, Yorkshire Sculpture Park